1.- User information.

“Maria María del Pino Pérez Morales”, hereinafter RESPONSIBLE, is the person in charge of the treatment of the User’s personal data and informs him that this data will be treated in accordance with the provisions of current regulations on personal data protection, the European Regulation EU 2016 /679 of April 27, 2016. (GDPR). Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights and the Internet Law, LSSICE, Law of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce. Law 34/2002 of July 11, for which the following treatment information is provided:

End of treatment: maintain a commercial relationship with the User. The operations planned to carry out the treatment are:

Legal Basis: GDPR: 6.1.a) The interested party gives his consent for the processing of his personal data for one or several specific purposes

Sending of commercial advertising communications by email, fax, SMS, MMS, social communities or any other electronic or physical means, present or future, that makes it possible to carry out commercial communications. These communications will be made by the RESPONSIBLE and related to their products and services, or their collaborators or suppliers with whom they have reached a promotional agreement. In this case, third parties will never have access to personal data. Carry out statistical studies. Process orders, budgets, requests or any type of request that is made by the user through any of the contact forms that are made available to them. Forward the newsletter on the website.

Data conservation criteria: they will be kept for no longer than necessary, to maintain the purpose of the treatment and when it is no longer necessary for this purpose, they will be deleted with adequate security measures to guarantee the pseudonymization of the data or the total destruction thereof.

Communication of the data: The data will not be communicated to third parties, except legal obligation.

Rights that assist the User:

Right to withdraw consent at any time.
Right of access, rectification, portability and deletion of your data and the limitation or opposition to its treatment.
Right to file a claim with the control authority ( if you consider that the treatment does not comply with current regulations. Calle Jorge Juan 6, 28001. Madrid.
Contact information to exercise your rights: See Point 4


2.-“Contact” tab.

Within the contact tab, there is the possibility of doing the same through WhatsApp with one of the team members.

End of treatment: Being able to attend to any query, information, request, questions, suggestions or similar by those interested in our products or services.

Legal Basis: GDPR: 6.1.a) The interested party consents to the processing of their personal data for one or more specific purposes.

Data conservation criteria: Conversations will be kept for no longer than necessary, to maintain the purpose of the treatment and when it is no longer necessary for this purpose, they will be deleted with adequate security measures to guarantee the pseudonymization of the data or the their total destruction.

Communication of the data: The data will not be communicated to third parties, except legal obligation.

Rights that assist the User:

Right to withdraw consent at any time.
Right of access, rectification, portability and deletion of your data and the limitation or opposition to its treatment.
Right to file a claim with the control authority ( if you consider that the treatment does not comply with current regulations. Calle Jorge Juan 6, 28001. Madrid.

3.- “Newsletter” tab

End of treatment: Subscription to the Newsletter.

Legal Basis: GDPR: 6.1.a) The interested party gives his consent for the processing of his personal data for one or several specific purposes

Data retention criteria: they will be kept as long as there is a mutual interest in maintaining the subscription to the Newsletter.

Communication of the data: The data will not be communicated to third parties, except legal obligation.

Rights that assist the User:

Right to withdraw consent at any time.
Right of access, rectification, portability and deletion of your data and the limitation or opposition to its treatment.
Right to file a claim with the control authority ( if you consider that the treatment does not comply with current regulations. Calle Jorge Juan 6, 28001. Madrid.
Contact information to exercise your rights: See Point 4


4.- Contact information to exercise your rights:

“Maria María del Pino Pérez Morales” with NIF B76157601, with address at Calle Nicolás Estévanez, 30, 2nd Floor, Office 203, CP 35007 of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas. Spain.

Or by email:


5.- “Social Networks” links.

The links that redirect the website to the different profiles of social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. that belong to “Maria María del Pino Pérez Morales” are designed so that users can directly access them and thus be able to interact, express opinions, ideas and other comments related to the entity, its services or products. The entity “Maria María del Pino Pérez Morales”, is not responsible for the comments expressed, photos or videos published by the user community, although it may veto, delete or eliminate inappropriate or inappropriate comments, photos or videos. Any responsibility about the different social media platforms, see their own Privacy Policy.


6.- Mandatory or optional nature of the information provided by the user.

Users, by checking the corresponding boxes and entering data in the fields, marked with an asterisk (*) in the contact form or presented in download forms, expressly and freely and unequivocally accept that their data is necessary to meet your request, by the provider, the inclusion of data in the remaining fields being voluntary. The User guarantees that the personal data provided to the CONTROLLER is true and is responsible for communicating any changes thereto. The CONTROLLER expressly informs and guarantees users that their personal data will not be transferred in any case to third parties, and that whenever any type of transfer of personal data is made, the express, informed and unequivocal consent of the Users will be requested in advance. All the data requested through the website are mandatory, since they are necessary for the provision of an optimal service to the User. In the event that all the data is not provided, it is not guaranteed that the information and services provided are fully adjusted to your needs.


7.- Security measures.

That in accordance with the provisions of current regulations on the protection of personal data, the RESPONSIBLE is complying with all the provisions of the GDPR and LOPDGDD regulations for the processing of personal data for which they are responsible, and manifestly with the principles described in article 5 of the GDPR and article 4 of the LOPDGDD, for which they are treated in a lawful, loyal and transparent manner in relation to the interested party and adequate, pertinent and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are treated.The CONTROLLER guarantees that it has implemented appropriate technical and organizational policies to apply the security measures established by the GDPR and the LOPDGDD in order to protect the rights and freedoms of Users and has provided them with the appropriate information so that they can exercise them.



This privacy policy is only applicable to the website and is not guaranteed in access through links to this site, nor to links from this site to other websites.


9.-Contents of the WEB.

Total or partial reproduction is prohibited, including the dumping of the content to any medium, without the express authorization of “Maria María del Pino Pérez Morales”

10.-Additional Information on Data Protection: Contacts, Curriculum.
Responsible for:

Maria Inmaculada Abad fernandez

direccion : Mar Caspio,4 Casa 165
35100 Maspalomas- Gran Canaria
DNI 28710267B

Purpose We process the information you provide us with in order to be able to carry out the comprehensive administrative management of contacts through WhatsApp and subscription requests to the Newsletter.
GDPR legitimation: 6.1.a) The interested party gave their consent for the processing of their personal data for one or more specific purposes.
Conservation period They will be kept for no longer than necessary, to maintain the purpose of the treatment and when it is no longer necessary for this purpose, they will be deleted with adequate security measures to guarantee the pseudonymization of the data or the total destruction of the same.
Recipients The data will not be communicated to third parties, except legal obligation.
Rights of the interested parties You have the right to obtain confirmation, as to whether in “Maria María del Pino Pérez Morales”, we are treating your personal data, therefore you have the right to access your personal data, rectify inaccurate data or request its deletion when the data no longer exists. are necessary, portability of the same, opposition and limitation to their treatment. You also have the right to withdraw your consent at any time and to file a claim with the Control Authority (, if you consider that the treatment does not comply with the regulations in force. Calle Jorge Juan 6, 28001. Madrid. How can rights be exercised? By writing, attaching a legal accrediting document to the person in charge of the treatment.